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tv   Headline News  RT  November 20, 2013 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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today i am larry king now me baron albert thomas turned his life and career around working out of his garage why the garage that's because i have a garage where else am i going to do it it doesn't cost me anything it's a short walk to work and a beautiful thing about failure larry is that you know when you honestly let go of your dream and source you it's heartbreaking but you feel better and then all of a sudden they happen and you're like oh this is a surprise plus you know what that word is you can't replace cocaine with a woman because you will exhaust the woman you know if you if you get addicted to a person eventually they will be drained and leave a husky that's all ahead on larry king now.
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our guest today on larry king now is mark marin the stand up comic has been in the business for over twenty five years has found a recent success with his own interview base podcast w.t.f. with marc when i was on that show you are almost we have already got yes it's going to have all well put up i will i was for the podcast is it online sensation averages about two point five to three million downloads a month now he has a t.v. show called marron which was renewed for a second season and i have see a memoir titled attempting normal and a comedy special thinking pain which is available exclusively on netflix how do you account for this current success what happened to you i don't know i think i just became ready you know i have to do something long enough you go through a lot of different phases you don't know if something is going to happen for you and then when it does happen the best you can hope for you can handle it and i think i just hit that the it took me. twenty five years but i'm going to handle it
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what happened well i did the podcast in my garage you know it was started i was working in radio and i got fired and the company wasn't smart enough to kick us out of the building or america those very serious radio and we did a morning show we were doing straight up satire look on that or yeah the liberal network it but it was a mostly political humor but that's where i learned how to do it but i've been fired twice from there and then i went back a third time with a new c.e.o. because i need money to get out of a divorce you understand. and they fired a staffer after a year what we were doing there and they ran out of money and they didn't kick us have a building so we started breaking into the studio and using the equipment my partner figured out how to upload a podcast i said this is what we're going to do i add in listen any pod cast in new people did i'm we committed to a schedule two days a week and we just let the show evolve you know why don't you play me that i will back up larry and yeah right to require a lot of editing to make you you know make me good at it already already when you
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do a project as how do you do the receivers know when to get to put it out every monday and thursday so they're up there and i've done that for you know coming up on four years every monday and thursday because i think the consistency in the regular live show you how do they know you with it was it was crazy it was you know i got very in dissociate networking i my guess would tweet out things i would do facebook i would get an e-mail list going in as my guest became a profile it brought some attention to the medium into the show the you know you're an interviewer no idea at all that i don't even think i am an interviewer i think are you i talk to people i had a lot of problems early on you know i was cynical and bitter and i felt like i had failed in my business so i needed help so why not just ask the lebanese to come in and listen to my problems and that became sort of the the style that i found that if i offer up a lot of myself they kind of meet me halfway and that becomes a very lot of most of those very engaging but you say you do it in the garage you do. my special area make
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a trip for you even though you yelled at me. but that was not the time i had to care so you could never be late no but i had the wrong time oh all right you were funnier i walk in you're like you're late and i'm like how do you like fifteen minutes where you michael what do you want to do is like i don't know let's do it what is i don't. that's the broadcast w.t.f. it one is surely the idea of what the fuck was that to me i thought it was the most important philosophical question of our time and i thought what is it is that a that's. so the theme that initially i didn't know what the show's going to be and we thought maybe that would be a theme and then that sort of one away once i moved to l.a. and set up shop in my garage it just became an interview show i was doing some thirty acts that were can comedy pieces but then it just became about the conversations and we just left the name why the guerrouj it's because i have a garage where else am i going to do it it doesn't cost me anything it's a short we're a short walk to work but you get gives the come to the we all come to the garage
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you know brooks came to you i went to him you know you guys they all run i won't be your guru and nobody's talking about a ninety year old goat who goes to a garage named some of the guy shandling richard lewis conan o'brien bryan cranston john hamm all of them they all quit there is a garage in highland park it's next to pasadena it's up in the hills some of them are surprised they don't know what to expect. but the people that know my show molly shannon's been to the garage catherine o'hara was out there all they've all go up there the people i go to are people that are either too busy or i don't or they're at an age where i don't want them to you know runaround. me is there a car in the garage no car you know it's an old garage it's got a floor it's got all my stuff and it's very cozy but cranston came up there and he was seemed surprised like he a lot of times publicists they tell me go to this place and get out and like this is it you know and i'm walking in back to my garage was a good actor he's great at it yeah. and he's like ok so this is what we're doing
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like a john hamm was serious i am was here. all right so that got the stamp now to make money off w.t.f. i was going ask you for some. overtime in the model sort of evolve no one really knew how to make money with casting but now that you know terrestrial radio is sort of phasing out a lot of those advertisers have come over we have an app you know only the most recent fifty are available for free and if they want to get the other four hundred they got to you know get the premium for you saw a little. let's say the sponsor is coca-cola right do you go to coca-cola and say bar my product how does it work i know there are well radio stations there are sales people right well my partner is the production side of it so and as poc as the podcast became popular we were able to attract a lot of you know outside of the box advertisers you know there we had some big advertisers that year on terrestrial radio like h.b.o. certain shows that will advertise record labels were advertised so we book out
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about three or four spots a show with the advertising we've got the app revenue we also do live shows we have some merchandise in the cells on the episodes as well so i remember it was a conversation with you i wouldn't call it all coming back to it was you know it's coming back and we will argue a lot of sixty thousand people but i really it was more it wasn't so much an interview was just yeah i was talking that's what we did yeah i don't know where i was going to go i don't know what mood you're in and i think it worked out and we can all go funs great with talk about gleason and jackie gleason and that's the way i do it i don't know if it's the right way your professional like i'll have an idea of who somebody is and basically i i enter with that and then i just let the conversation unfold i'm careful not to avoid like if somebody you know cured cancer or won an oscar i want to make sure i bring that up but i also have a good idea if i want to talk about the other things the book in a stand up was a stand up special inky pain is on netflix netflix instant get it into getting time i think that was the way to do it when. studio audience there was an audience i did
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in a small club i want to do a very specifically intimately i wanted to do it like like a stand up club i did a member the whole village gate it's i did it what was used to be the basement show room the bottom of the main showroom in the village it's now a place called the possum rouge we looked at a few places i want to go ceilings i wanted to have an organic feel i had some history at that venue when i was younger i used to smoke told me they're right there it was a great venue and they write they did comedy when i was starting out i mean bruce worked it yup i think so and the family owned the would go off and so i was in that room i had about two hundred fifty people and i did i did two shows i didn't hour and a half each we took the entire special from the second show i was very careful not to cut to the audience i wanted to feel intimate and that's why i did it with netflix so there's no commercials you can look at whenever you want it's an hour and a half of their full hour and a half there's a concept to it you have a good concept is me and my struggle. to proof or are you angry or you are angry
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performers i used to be i think at least i did lose what is probably with greatest anger what he said you know that it's a great archetypal act but yes they're the margin the crank is is a gifted stereo archetype you know their guy he got to have it naturally you know right across the aisle you know the world's against me and i wasn't like that i was genuinely angry and they and because of that i you know i wasn't a big ticket seller you were bitter i was bitter and i thought well you know you work hard you want to do something you think you're an original and you need think you've got something to say but you know you're not bringing people in and you know pete i did a lot of television as a stand up and i wasn't selling tickets and by the time i started the podcast you know is over you know i was out of white that was out of money my career was stalled and you know it kind of happened out of desperation and through the conversations that i had with other entertainers about their experience i started to kind of get less bitter to open my. hard
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a little more to to become what i used to be when i was a kid when my grandfather owned a hardware store and you have guys hanging around talking he still loved listening to and i got into that and you know getting entertained by people's stories and it really it kind of grounded me a kind of humble me so what you've done is made failure a plus absolutely there's no question add no expectation the beautiful thing about failure larry is that you know when you honestly let go of your dream and source. it's heartbreaking but you feel better and then all of a sudden they happen and you're like oh this is a surprise and you had problems like you liquor we. call yeah cocaine and booze good times do they go together by the way well want to let you drink a lot more. if you're doing cocaine and drinking stay up for a lot more drinking to just stop both at the same time yeah i stopped you know i was fortunate that like i was fairly i was a professional drug user i mixed it up but you know i didn't hit too dramatic a bottom but i was slowly killing myself and you know fortunately for me you know i
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was in a fairly unhappy marriage and i was drinking and using drugs and a woman appeared at a club this beautiful woman who said you know i think i can get you help you know and steered me towards recovery and i don't know if i was really thinking about quitting drinking or drugging but i knew that i would follow her anywhere where did she take you to now today into you know into the into meetings and friends with her no no i were divorced and that was going to marriage. it's not you know what that word is you can't replace cocaine with a woman because you will exhaust the woman you know if you if you get addicted to a person eventually they will be drained and leave a hoss the only thing i was ever addicted to was tobacco i was off of it till i had a heart attack them but i stopped that day yeah well that's a that's good i am on nicotine lawson's right now i haven't smoked a cigarette in over ten years but i still eat the nicotine candy do you ever want to go back to drinking and drugging or cigarettes all three well no i think the gift of actually you know good. getting your head in and learning how did to be
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a sober person is that ignited i don't think about it i don't obsess about it i don't want to you know i've been through two divorces a bankruptcy and some other pain and i didn't think to drink when he goes what you call thinking painter and keeping think yeah. you approach to stand up is not conventional right i don't know is it is it not i think i haven't seen your standup act i want to watch if i use no no i will turn on my my netflix or i watch you know i think you'd enjoy a good story based you know i spent a lot of time has told you that yeah i you know i think that stand up i mean you know you watch any of the old guys you're showing berman newhart cosby any you know i don't know i used to tell jokes and they were structured but they were more my jokes meant any good story is filled with jokes course and i mean good punch lines throughout you know and i think that that some of the greatest standup that's ever been was long form stand up and that's what i do it's very personal it's not generalized i chose at some point to you know when i did politics i realize i'm not really angry about politics i'm just angry so why don't we get to the heart of that
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there was one king do a monologue that bridget survived by his wife that's correct yes i call that a couch with cellophane coming up i'm going to discuss is mostly in those interviews and we'll do that when we return because. it was. very hard to take. that back with her but they're looking.
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at least. likely the political ticker. i. guess that was a new alert animation scripts scared me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and they are continuing to follow the breaking news. alexander's family cry tears of the well i. think. that there had to be added rigor at the core of what found online is a story made for movies playing out in real life. i . would bet with marc maron
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a multichannel guy he's got so many things going for you want to be pictured yourself right you don't ruin your life. i'm just happy to be working you know i mean it gets to a certain point get having gone what i've gone through and people ask what do you want like to not die broke and i'd like to have insurance those are my big joy if that's possible that because of the thing with cold and started guess who with you you give him a big it will conan when he started i was still in new york and i think i appeared as a stand up twice and was my dream at that time to be a panel guest you know like richard lewis was with letterman and you know i did all right for conan and i was in town and i was there at the beginning and he started to have me on his panel and i became the guy that if another guest fell out and they couldn't book in you know they call me on and on and on a note and it's short notice and i usually have at least a half bit half baked story of some kind so i did a lot of filling in that just stayed that way and then he was on your podcast like yeah years later you know after after doing a show for
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a decade or more you know i'd never really talked to him you are probably most probably interviews with old comics well i mean i think some of that the most i think so i've been interviewing musicians now as well and some filmmakers i like talking to anybody who's interesting and has a good story really. comedians you've got a kindred spirit thing it's like i know with comics we sacrificed a lot to pursue the life that we haven't and i find it to be a pretty noble profession and i just and there's a common language there you know we're freaks in a way you know we don't know books the funniest middle unbelievable there's no probably no one only or for me of all it's there i have there he there was a big story with this i can create what we got a couple minutes here so i go in to do i go to his office i was lucky it was just him and i think if there was one other person there he would have put on a show but he was it was locked and it was a beautiful interview and he takes a liking to me says you're great you know you should really do this on television i said well you should make some calls for me. but even i was joking but he says you
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should talk to carl and i go carl reiner he's like yeah we talk all the time i'm with there every night you should talk to carl and i would love to talk to carl so i say that now i say well how his car in no goes he's about eighty percent ok so so he cut to you know he walks me of the building you know three weeks later he sets me up with carl reiner so i go to coroner's house and you know we you know i set up the mikes i'm greeted by george shapiro his manager and nephew who's in a seventy's and you know i set up the mikes you know karl sits down shapiro sits across from us immediately falls asleep within the sleeping during the interview and then you know in the middle in the middle of our interview you know at a no work. right at the beginning actually you know you spend a lot of time together what do you do he looks me goes he has something to do with chicken feathers and maybe i'll tell you i'm like i don't know what's happened to him in the middle of the interview goes he goes you know many jews were involved in broadway musicals and michael had no idea because a lot i saw television show there's
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a list of jews at the end right and he goes i'm going to show you that list and i'm like ok and so i do the interview for an hour and i swear right when i turn the mikes off right shapira wakes up knows that was a great interview as a good manager we saw him sleeping so. a so then so then carl picks up two remotes and i got a ninety one year old man with two remotes he's going to show me the juice in the list so he's playing with remotes and i'm like this is not going to go well and then shapiro out of nowhere goes is there ice cream so now somewhat then they're handing out new weight watchers ice cream sandwiches were nice to sandwiches carl reiner starts the show at the beginning so mike allen and i going to be here it's a two hour show for the with the jews right. and then the phone rings and ryder picks it up he goes hello yeah it was very pleasant he's still here and he looks at me goes it's mel brooks and mike watt and i go hello and all i hear mello yello here is mel brooks go eighty percent right. and i go maybe eighty five he's like
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alright maybe eighty five put carl back on the phone and then they talk about i think they were talking about whether or not caro could roast a chicken or not and then. and then i remember i forgot to ask him about the chicken feathers right so i turned the mikes back on and i said you know you mentioned some a chicken feathers he said oh yeah oh yeah that's right that's right me and mel brooks and there's a publicist and on the couch he goes is there a question behind you having a question so he puts his pillow in his lap and he just there's a run in his hand over it and i'm sad i think i know we're off road now and he pulls a feather out of the pillow and he sets a very delicately down on the arm rest of the chair and he looks at me goes i have a lot of these. i don't know what i'm going to do with them i put them in a bag and so i'm thinking like ok we're we're at the easy he's out there i go what does this have to do what you want mel brooks he just starts running his hand across the pony goes this is what we do it pulls another. but it was beautiful and then i walk out of the house with george shapiro both going to our cars and he
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walks and he goes what it now works ok and i said he said he said car was about eighty percent and george says he tells the truth. that they're as funny as a twosome as the great which i was the first one ever to play that it was a disc jockey and me and that's still the funniest album always i know it so i gave this so quick and it's so it's such a privilege in an amazingly entertaining experience to talk to that guy i was it's these are cells that doesn't talk i know you know and what was the. call greets me at the door this is the only problem i have short term memory was the only problem i have a short term. that's pretty funny a very funny would be you acted all you know the theater i've done you know i do in the t.v. show now so i'm acting in my own show i'm playing myself which i you know i put a lot of work into that role and i've done a few will movie things you know i was in jail like you were in movies i was in one i was in
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a couple movies i was in almost famous cameron crowe's movie i like to lines in that it's a very powerful see would you ever want to have a disc and only two of them. i'm a conan's i'm why i like what you do in the end in my concept i can do what i do in the garage to have that intimacy i think the closest model that i could think of would be snyder show you know the tomorrow show yes. he was great in the way that was shot in a way it was done i'd like to try that way i don't want to run a circus. you know you so you don't want a bad idea it's not really my thing i think it's more compelling to just really get some authentic conversation i don't think of the fergusons of one's well ok why do i but i know that. they're all good guys are goddaughters i was very funny ferguson very funny but as a host you know quite honestly you never know what he's going to come at you with and his segment producer will talk to you for an hour and ask him everything you know those were the cause he throws away everything in that office and i go right so it took me three times on the show to realize i'm just going to follow his lead and in their eyes with him that's it that's why i need to jimmy fallon is great
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he's very earnest easygoing guy in television and i think he's genuinely having a good time forget that of being children you don't have children i don't read the children so mental i know i'm not afraid of children i was i was afraid of being an old dad but you know you sort of are an inspiration not to be afraid ok you have a woman and you know i did say until. we're in a little trouble right now what happened no i don't know that you know this is the third one i think it's me who should love being a father or there's nothing like it ok loving what i'm tony and don't be afraid of him or not afraid of it it's the first time in your life the someone told me but you think about that so i have cats what's with the cats i don't know me and i you know it's so july i grew up with dogs and then like a woman gave me a cat once i got attached to it what really happened with the cats was i was doing radio and i was you know waking up at three thirty in the morning to morning radio and i was going on a story in new york behind my building behind me and i put the garbage on there are
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these four or five kittens eating in the garbage and i was like oh this is terrible someone's going to deal with this and then i can another now you know a few days go by i go back out with the garbage you're still eating garbage and someone's going to have to do something about this and then by the third time i'm like i guess i'm going to be the guy so i trap these cats and i bring them into my apartment i trap them in a shoe box with cat food one at a time for kittens bring them into my partner not knowing that if the cat is eating on its own it's feral it's a wild animal. it's not a kitten it's like bringing a mongoose in your apartment so i bring these cat there it's crazy one of them tries to jump out a window climbs up the screen it wedges itself between the window and the screen two of them are behind the stove one of them gets stuck on a glue trap for a mouse i got to rip it off if it was chaos and all of them hated me they would just watch it was sad because i want to lose friends and then i couldn't i couldn't get him out of my smart so you kept them i kept two of them it's hard to get rid of feral cats but i actually two of them have made it to los angeles they're living a very nice life through a affectionate really they come around they come around but i like i like animals
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that you know i have to earn their love it seems that way with me and women cats you know the cats in the garage know that and i'm in a garage at hounds almost died of an allergy attack in my garage and their daily even go in there but he was wheezing and i couldn't stop the interview i felt at home we. had if you died it was good for us we have some social media questions for you ok begging moon rock on twitter do you miss your vices and how do you deal with it i don't miss my vices because i kind of you know you find other ways a little healthier ways to fill i mean i still on the nicotine i drink a lot of coffee you know. i tend to i don't i don't miss the vices i don't miss that way of life will be on twitter s. will you be writing more books if they pay me to do it i will write another one. rob riggle on twitter wants to know where he is see itself in ten years hopefully alive and some are content and having health insurance and that he drivel it on
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facebook wants to know are you finally happy. i have. i have some peace of mind but i feel like i'm being true to myself and that's as close to happiness is i as i can get you know i have a hard time identifying joy or happiness but i feel like i'm being i feel like i've finally arrived at who i am and that's that's that's good happiness is like a lot of unhappiness right i mean sure yeah yeah yeah like you know ok so occasionally like you know i'm happy right now. is when yeah i get that i know if the kid did good in school yeah there are moments right now i can't be happy all the time that you're crazy yeah but you can be unhappy all the time in your past you were an f.b.o. i was i was angry and happy i like to just think of it as a struggle struggle with a wee little game of if you only knew i could order us greatest stand up comedian of all time richard pryor up and coming comic do we better watch out for napier get see we haven't seen him it's great he's doing a show fallon is producing
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a pilot with him he's great he's from the states from tennessee's hilarious guess you're most nervous about interviewing iggy pop why i don't know because he thought i don't know what was going to happen would you describe your style of interviewing . sort of in midi and intrusive and late. come on what makes you laugh every time brian regan. anything he does what scares you the most indictive women and fire. in metal or the most terrifying stand up experience being sent home from australia because i bombed so badly and to hold probably tell you to school home well it was pretty apparent that it wasn't going well there's a long time ago it was probably in the early ninety's i went over there and i just i don't know i just had one of those experience the globe it was a big club there's like four hundred people there i did
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a week of previews and i got on stage to area and at that time i was standing on stage and for forty five minutes all i could hear were the embers of my cigarette burning just silence and it was just brutal i got it i felt myself i left my body like some part of me left unsaid i mean she backstage i can't handle this and he went at it and the day after guys like this isn't working out the standards of a combination of. singers never decisions are you know it's like with the band take t.v. show you a t.v. show you're embarrassed to say that you watch house hunters you watch no one of the you know the where the girls sometimes are going to do things you don't do you get one thing named after you what would it be maybe an animal shelter or a microphone. if you were in a comedian what would you be i think i would be a teacher but i have no idea what i would teach. fessor of me best best advice you have a dud. recently i spoke to
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a woman i knew years ago our name is dragon and and you know i was i'm going through some difficult times and she looked at me and said don't waste a penny i thought that was genius you're a genius thank you bob i see you walk now and don't be late next i won't i won't i'll come again to the garage ok i would like to see the garage deal thanks jim i guess my mind catches comedy special thinking pain available now on netflix and be sure to tune in to w.t.f. with marc mero not available for download on i tunes and you can find me on twitter at kings things i'll be on his show too whenever they never thought it will see that stuff.
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technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. i've got a quote for you. it's pretty tough. if they were it's not story. let's get this guy like you would smear about guys instead of working for the people most issues in the mainstream media are working for each other bribes vision to fight. the good rather.


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